Getting Creative with Coding

Last week, Farleigh pupils participated in the Hour of Code, joining in nearly 200,000 events happening world-wide. This year’s theme was 'What will you create?' and was all about getting children to be creative with their coding and looking for solutions to problems. 

To kick-start the week, four undergraduate Computer Science students from Reading University visited for the day; introducing themselves in assembly and explaining why they have chosen Computing as their degree and for a career. They spent the day helping pupils with coding challenges in ICT lessons in the lab and in other lessons on the iPads. At break time they spoke with Year 8 pupils who have recently shown an interest in coding with Python, setting them challenges (which they worked on enthusiastically for the rest of the week).

Whilst Dance Party proved to be the most popular Hour of Code tutorial activity, giving pupils a wonderful opportunity to showcase their creativity, many chose to try out different challenges and develop other creations.

You can see all the animations or games the pupils coded at Farleigh Hour of Code Creations 2018 - you will have a lot of fun playing them! Congratulations to all the pupils who took part.

Mr Napthine