Ms Ellie Peett is the senior nurse and she manages the medical services at Farleigh. She is supported by a Day Matron and two Boarding Matrons who provide 24 hour medical cover.
The senior nurse and matrons are very experienced in providing support to children and their families, and are passionate in providing quality, personalised nursing/medical care.
A doctor from a local Health Centre calls each week and matrons can arrange same-day appointments or prescriptions for boarders as required. The school nurse can drive boarders to GP or hospital appointments when needed.
The surgery at Farleigh is spacious, bright and modern, with a five-bed sick bay for boarders who are unwell and not fit for school. If your child is ill for more than a day or two they can be taken home if preferred.
The role of independent schools in relation to child protection is taken seriously, and at Farleigh this is under the direction of our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Ben Wood, our Deputy DSLs, Mr Stuart Whithear and Mrs Sue Wilton, and our Pastoral leads, Mr Chris English and Mrs Amy Jago. Additionally, Mrs Emma Todd leads on safeguarding matters on our Governing Board.