
Sport is an important part of life at Farleigh and specialist coaching is provided to a high standard. In addition to sports, PE is taught throughout the school every week. Years 4-8 play games four afternoons per week, with competitive fixtures against other schools on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Year 3 play games two afternoons per week and are introduced to the main sports and matches.

The major sports for boys are:

  • Autumn Term - Football (change to Rugby in mid-November)
  • Spring Term - Rugby, Cross Country
  • Summer Term - Cricket, Athletics, Tennis

The major sports for girls are:

  • Autumn Term - Hockey, Netball
  • Spring Term - Hockey, Netball, Cross Country
  • Summer Term - Cricket, Athletics, Tennis

Additional tennis coaching is popular and available throughout the year. In the spring term, tennis squads are introduced for Years 6-8 to help prepare them for matches in the summer term.

Swimming lessons in our indoor pool are timetabled during the course of the school year for all pupils, and swim squad meet at least twice a week for gala training.

Lacrosse training is available for Years 6-8 girls throughout the year.

Many pupils also take part in pre-season coaching sessions for the major sports and there is the opportunity to take part in sports tours.

Exceptional sport, led by a new director who is described by parents as a ‘powerhouse’. Inclusivity (again) key, so all ability levels get weekly input from senior sports teachers, often taking the lowest ability team."
The Good Schools Guide 

Along with the more competitive team sports, things like dance and life-saving skills are part of the curriculum here adding other options to the physical side of the curriculum."
Muddy Stilettos