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You are welcome to attend Mass in the Chapel at 10.00am every Sunday.

Please note there will be no Mass at Farleigh on Sunday 30th March and Sunday 6th April.

Mass on Christmas Eve is at 10.00pm on Tuesday 24th December and on Christmas Day, Wednesday 25th December, at 10.00am.

We invite you to use the Chapel email address if you would like to let Fr Simon know of any Mass intentions or requests for prayers.

You are, of course, welcome to continue to join us for Mass on the YouTube link below:

Mass from Farleigh Chapel


If you would like to join our Mass at Farleigh Chapel contact group, it will enable us to inform you of any last minute changes to services. Please click here to do so.

For reading material about the Catholic faith, do look at the excellent small booklets sold by the Catholic Truth Society:


Please remember that if you normally give your weekly donation to the Church in the collection plate, you may still make your donation online with these details. The parish has conveyed their great appreciation and thanks for all donations received. Thank you:

Account: 00873633
Sort Code: 30-93-04
Name: CDP St John the Baptist