Mrs Sue Wilton... In her own words:
I was brought up in Dorset and lived my life by the beach until I went to Birmingham University to study a BEd in Religious & Theological Studies with Education. I wanted to travel the world afterwards and joined Services Children's Education teaching in Germany where I met my husband, Ed, then serving with the Royal Logistic Corps. That was the extent of my travels! I have subsequently taught three times in Germany, as well as in London, Hampshire and Wiltshire. We moved back to Wiltshire in 2009 and Ed left the Army in 2013. We have three teenage children: Ben, Emily and Oliver.
I have been a teacher for nearly 30 years, mostly teaching Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Key Stage 2, as well as leadership and management experience, including Headship. I joined Farleigh in 2014 as a Key Stage 2 Teacher, Exam Officer and Assessment Co-ordinator, and my experience in the prep school gives me an excellent understanding of the vision of the school.
I so enjoy the challenge of getting to know all the Pre-Prep children and working with an exceptional team of colleagues. The staff in Pre-Prep work hard to make sure the children are happy and always learning. Our aim for the children is that they develop socially, emotionally and academically, using all the facilities of the Pre-Prep and the amazing grounds to become confident, independent and happy at Farleigh.